I'm submitting this one for
Azazel's Awesome August Hobby Challenge. Not because every single one of the Models seems awesome to me or anything like that (tho quite a few of them would probably qualify on their own), but because I painted almost all of it in a week. I had finished the Angel of Disease for Jewel of July, and one of the Predators, plus the underlayers for the rust on the other Vehicles, were done then too, and one Squad of Plague Marines just needed touch up and re-basing, since I did them in like 2002. All the remaining work on the Vehicles was done in that week, tho, and the other 22 Infantry Models were primer at the start of it. Anyhow, on with the show!
90s metal Plague Marines with newer arms, the Serpents of the Light. I had a couple of the old backpacks, and got someone to help me cast up a few more to fill out the Squad. |
This is the Squad from 2002, the Unyielding Kings of Agony. Those are Tactical Marines, a few random bits, and a whole lot of putty. I am still damned happy with how they came out. |
The new guys, Cleansed in Pestilence. Even with no easy customizability, there is a ton of variety in the sculpts, and they were a whole lot of fun to work on. There are only six right now because it's OFCC tradition that every team who didn't win puts a Model in the Bucket of Death, and there was one that I have a dupe of. |
The Doom of Artifice. I fucking love this Predator sculpt (altho not dealing with hybrid kits), and particularly for Nurgle, it just feels right. Hopefully at some point I'll get around to doing a couple more back and forth bouts of stippling on green and rust colours to really get the transitions right. |
The Unholy Blasphemies. These are cool Models, very fun to paint, altho I kept finding more bits partway through that I hadn't realized were actually something else and needed to be re-done. I tried to mess with them a bit to get a little variety, but they're only available as an ETB kit, so there's not a whole lot to be done. A proper kit for them with some options would be great. |
The Lord of All Plagues and Fever. Converted from a Dark Vengeance Chaos Lord. |
I forgot, I meant to do more work on the pattern on his cloak. Well, that's what happens when you're finishing an Army in a week. |
Last, but not least, my BlightKing Terminators, Blessed Are the Sick. These guys were a hell of a lot of fun to make and paint. I'll try to do another post on each of them individually at some point. |
The names mostly come from Morbid Angel songs, except for the Unyielding Kings of Agony (Slayer), and the Serpents of the Light (Deicide). As mentioned, due to rushing, there's a lot more I want to get to, particularly some obnoxiously bright highlights on the green, and without those, I had to tweak the colour balance really carefully to get them even this visible. Need to clear my desk off properly again so I can get in to the light box and change out the backdrop for a darker one, but that's not happening anytime soon.
This really shows how feast and famine my productivity can be. I got whatever it was done between January and March, then nothing from then 'til mid July, and then another 36 completions in less than a month. Unfortunately, the two purchases I made since then added another 46 unpainted Models plus Terrain, so I'm even further in the red despite that. Hopefully some of those will make it as part of next month's
Scenic & Squaddie September Hobby Challenge. I have a bunch of other stuff well along, too, and have been keeping my momentum up fairly well, so hopefully there will be more soon, probably a mix of stuff for various smaller-scale GW Games, since I'm way more into those than full-on 40K these days. Until then, y'all have a good one, y'hear!
Great looking, disgustingly resilient Force! Love the old school Predators, I have a all Plastic one to do from 1st/2nd Edition, with the curved dome turret.
ReplyDeleteThanks! One of those old all-plastic ones is high on my wishlist, but they don't show up often, and when they do, I'd usually need to sell a kidney or something to afford one.
DeleteWhilst my original pred is likely to be retired to the case due to the nostalgia factor of be the 1st 40k mini I ever bought, if I ever do get rid of it, I'm giving you 1st dibs.
DeleteIn that unlikely event, that would be awesome!
DeleteDisgustingly good! :) that’s a nice sizeable force to be going with! Good going on the productivity front too. That’s a lot completed after such a dry spell. Alas I have not been able to get out of mine, but I have some contrast paints to try out on a few bolt action, which I am looking forward to, and I am sure the upcoming edition of Underworlds will get me going again
ReplyDeleteThanks! I think the CSM side of my Nurgle Force is pretty good at this point, tho I do have a couple more Squads of Plague Marines, a bunch of Poxwalkers, and some more Characters to add when I get around to it. Next time I roll back around to Nurgle, it's probably going to be Daemons. I need to finish up my GUcO, the last couple of bases of Nurglings, and a bunch more Plaguebearers. And then there's the Nurgle Knight conversion I have in mind...
DeleteA WEEK!?!?! Seriously WTF?
ReplyDelete(shuts off the browser and cries...)
Keep in mind, I'm disabled. I don't have a day job. I can't do this sort of thing on the regular, but when I do bunker down and paint for a week, it's a lot more hours than most hobbyists would get in that span.
DeleteEven still, when I was single and could devote entire weekends to just painting if I so inclined, I didn't.
DeleteHaving tendencies toward obsessive behaviour contributes as well, for better or worse ;)
DeleteSeriously, tho, I'm fairly certain if I tracked the number of hours spent on it, it would seem pretty reasonable. I was just able to cram those hours into a tighter span than most people can.
Noice! Erratic and inconsistent are the watch words of Chaos. Well actually they aren't, but hobbying in fits and starts is perfectly acceptable in my book. I particularly like the turret mounted missile racks and the Lord of Plagues and Fever grabbing that guardsman warmly by the throat. "If this is a consular ship, WHERE IS THE AMBASSADOR?"
ReplyDeleteThanks! The Havoc racks are made from Dreadnought/Helbrute arms. The Chaos Lord firmly believes that real leaders don't let people down. They lift them up. XD
DeleteI'm a big fan of mixing models from across the timeless worlds of space. It works really well to distinguish units and increase variety, especially nice with the nurgle line as I think I actually prefer the older deathguard.
ReplyDeleteI like them all for different reasons, but yeah, being able to use them to differentiate the various Squads is really handy.