Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Ryza Pattern Ruins: Detail Shots

So, apparently, back when I made the post with my Ryza Pattern Ruins, I took a whole bunch more pics that I then completely forgot about, and just found a little while ago while processing pics for another post. There's not really a whole lot to talk about that I didn't say in the previous post, but you can see better what I was talking about in that post, in terms of the colour contrast, the weathering/corrosion, and the sloppiness, so I'm just going to jump right to the pics:

So, not a whole lot there, but hopefully at least some of it looks cool enough that it was worth your time. I've got a couple more posts in the works that are taking longer to write up, the next part of the  Genestealer Cult Codex Review and the last post about the Gellerpox Infected. Until I get one of those finished, y'all have a good one, y'hear!


  1. That last one needs a bit of tidy up and the Fire Extinguisher painted red, you know 'elf and safety in the 41st Millennium is a thing :) I recently picked up this set with the Kill Team Mechanicus set, so I have a Manipulus and 5 Infiltrators to paint as well. Great box set for adding to the 40K AdMech army :)

    1. That last one definitely got the worst of the slops, yeah. I did the fire extinguisher in metal because most of the fire extinguishers that I've seen in workplace or institutional settings have just been plain unpainted steel. The red seems mostly to be a thing for home models.

      I've got more than enough AdMech stuff wanting paint as it is, so I'm giving the KT box a pass for now. Def gonna be picking up the Sector Fronteris KZ box at some point here, tho.

  2. Hmmm...some blurry pics in there. You'd better box 'em up and mail 'em to me so as to add to my collec-um...for clearer inspection!

    1. Ha! Yeah, good photography takes more careful work than I care to devote to it. I'd rather devote more of my limited energy to actually getting things painted. Thanks!
